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标题: 给大家介绍一个学习交流摄影技术的好网站——1x.com [打印本页]

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 11:05:44     标题: 给大家介绍一个学习交流摄影技术的好网站——1x.com



第一个就是"critique” ,评论版块。这个版块是有网友上传自己的片子,有其他网友来评论,指出优点和不足,大家共同进步。可贵的是,这个版块对于评论管理要求非常严,所有评论必须言之有物。首先要对片子做整体评价,指出优点和不足。然后说哪些地方有问题,为什么有问题,怎么改,这么改会对片子有哪些帮助,缺一不可。如果评论的不符合要求,就会被警告,甚至禁止浏览。另外一个规定就是如果自己想上传一张片子供大家评论,首先得在一周内先给别人的作品给出两个合格的评论。这种制度保证了大家的参与热情和评论深度,很多评论都是很有帮助的。可惜免费用户一周只能上传一张,而且好像还最多十张。

另一个版块是“Tutorials” ,指导版块。这个版块是已经被收录的作品的作者讲述拍摄心得的。拍摄想法,拍摄过程经历,作品立意,前期后期手段,以及要点总结等等都要详细的讲解。对我们非常有帮助。这个网站是很注重后期创意的,因此也有很多后期创意方法的介绍。是个学习的好地方。


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 11:09:12


Hello ereryone:

I took this picture near a small village in north China. This is a village far from cities, were the people still have an old life style, no sign of modern technology could be find here. I love such a nature style.

It was later summer, the vegetation was in the best time of the year. The photo was taken about 1 hour after sunrise. The morning fog and the baklight after sunrise make the layers of the mountains very beautiful, which is one of my favorite views. There are no other corlor but green in this view. So it is a little similar to the tradition chinese painting style.

I performed some contrast to enhance the layers in post processing. Low color temperature was performed to counteract the wram light of the morning sunlight. I tried to make the picture more like a tradition chinese ink painting style, with no complex colors.

I'd be very interested to hear what you think about this style, and if possible, how to improve it.

Thank you!


图片附件: 1.jpg (2013-1-15 11:09:04, 133.81 KB) / 下载次数 5

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 11:20:42

Hi Yifei Wang, That's a nice image! I do like the many layers and the coloring of the layers. Some remarks: 1. coloring: the bleu-ish color temperature seem to fit OK. However, A warmer color tone can be nice too (and I would love to see it)! Some remarks: 2. horizontal cropping: to align with your "Chinese ink" look-and-feel, I suggest a strong horizontal look (cropping out the upper one third of the image). 3. vertical cropping: equally, a more vertical cropping should do the trick too (cropping out the half of the left-hand side and a vertical slice of the right-hand side). Whether you choose for the horizontal or vertical cropping is a matter of taste (although, I would love to see both versions and compare). 4. ND filtering: Did you attempted to bring out the sky some more (with a ND filter)? If I am correct, there are some clouds building up providing more depth in the image. All in all: well done! This must have been a really nice morning for you. Keep photographing (and displaying on 1x)! Best regards, Guus Vuijk/Photonmaps.

1. 冷色调固然还行,暖色调是不是更好

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 11:33:30

This is a beautiful scene and a great capture.  The gentle layering of fog in the valley is compelling.  Overall the scene is serene and contemplative; a quiet scene is what comes to mind.  There are a few post processing techniques you may want to try to see if you like the result.

This image may be a good candidate for a black and white conversion.  This is so since there is little detail in the green foliage nor in the blueish clouds.  Making the entire scene cohesive as a black and white might be very appealing.  Working with adding or removing contrast in the black and white will be necessary to determine what works best.

Prior to the B&W conversion I suggest working the dark area in the lower left of the scene to determine whether there is any detail to be found in that area; reveal it if possible.  I could resist the urge to crop that dark area out, since there is a good compositional balance in the overall scene as currently cropped, so if there is no detail to be revealed in the dark area, so be it.

At the other end of the scale, there is appealing gentle tone in the upper right hand section of the image; the gentle blue tone.  I suggest attempting to work the upper portion of the image to reduce the brightness to match that in the upper right corner, since as we go to the left in the upper portion of the image the sky becomes progressively more over exposed.  Localized burning and then a slight bit of gradient may serve you well working this area to recover some tonality.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful scene.



作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 11:35:44

作者: 初晗    时间: 2013-1-15 12:00:13

作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-15 12:31:14

不得不说,鬼子分析观察的很细致,真认真!应该学习!!!必须学习!!!  希望苏菲能把这个帖子持续下去,我们打不开1X,就指望你了。
作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 19:45:14


图片附件: “DSC_3565”为智能对象-3.jpg (2013-1-15 19:44:56, 110.31 KB) / 下载次数 18

作者: 红烧脚丫    时间: 2013-1-15 19:57:56

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-15 19:59:40

红烧脚丫 发表于 2013-1-15 19:57


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-16 10:36:08

仁者乐山 发表于 2013-1-15 19:59


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-16 10:42:45


Yifei, This is a strong image and reflects a very peaceful scene. The fog lends a mystical atmosphere to the mountainside and the lighting lends interest. 營n my opinion, I would agree with Guus and like to see a warmer white balance. 營 think that stronger greens would enhance the image.

Another suggestion I would make is to try recovering some shadow detail in the bottom left. I only suggest this because my eyes are drawn in a zig-zag across the scene (bottom left, bottom right, top-left horizon) than following the natural leading lines of the mountains (bottom right to top-left horizon.) If that patch wasn't as dark, I would not initially view that quadrant.

I would also suggest slightly decreasing the luminosity of the mountains in the midground as a slight increase in the white balance may case these regions to whiten undesirably

Overall, it is an excellent representation of a peaceful scene and a strong composition


作者: 咪咪的爹    时间: 2013-1-16 11:32:15

作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-18 09:01:59

咪咪的爹 发表于 2013-1-16 11:32
可以先别贴中文,鼓励大家看英文。其实一个领域里的词汇也就那么多,多看几个评论也就明白了。把中文贴上, ...


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-18 21:03:38


For me this one is about the movement of light across the image. I saw the bird as serendipitous and liked the fact that its wing position mirrored the shape of the hills to the left. I wonder though if there is too much variation and if the photo is in fact interesting or if it takes the viewer's eye to too man places. Looking forward to your thoughts!

Thanks in advance.



图片附件: 34737-fullsize.jpg (2013-1-18 20:46:33, 151.1 KB) / 下载次数 6

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-18 21:17:35

Hi Phil,

Thank you for sharing this picture. I like the calm mood in it and the way you processed it with only little colour.

It is a nice feature to see the bird with the wing position mirroring the shape of the hills. I must admit that I only saw this similarity of the two shapes after I have read your explanation. Because of the difference in size the relation of the two is not so obvious that it would immediately draw the viewer's attention.

I think you are quite right with your question whether the picture takes the viewer's eye to too many places. To discover the similarity of the two shapes of the hills and the bird is one possibility to "read" the picture, but this takes the viewer's eyes along different lines than they would follow without paying attention to this similarity.

The picture has other potentials to attract and guide the eye. I like how the darkest areas at the bottom and the top from a wide frame that is supported by the format of the picture. Within the space between the dark foreground and the dark clouds there are interesting variations of light. On the right side the rays of light falling through the whole in the clouds are dominating the scene, and on the left side the bright area around the valley gives a couterweight to it. The viewer's eyes can keep wandering between the two sources of light and feel the space in between them.

Therefore I think in further processing the picture you have to make a choice which features you want to highlight. It would be possible to elaborate more the differentiation of the light situations by enhancing the contrast around the rays of light and maybe softening the effect of the bright cloud in the center which draws much attention by itself. If you want to take that path, you could even think of taking away the bird.

If you want to highlight the similarity between the two V-shapes, it would be necessary to diminish other attractions in the picture - but I am not sure whether this really would be possible with the given size of the bird.

Kind regards and good luck, Andreas


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-19 23:19:06

Hello Phil,

I dig this kind of style - the various silhouettes give your photo stunning depth and the reduced color palette draws one's attention to the atmospheric light. What's more, I like how the dark area at the bottom and the threatening cloud at the top frame the picture.

Then again the cloud at the top might be a little too dark, it weighs heavily on the whole scene. Did you darken that part of the sky afterwards? In my mind, it should be lightend up a little bit; that would render the contours of the cloud visible, too.

I have to admit that I didn't see the correlation between the position of the wings and the form of the hills on the left hand side. Maybe you should have taken the photo a few seconds earlier when the bird was just north of that valley. (Of couse nothing prevents you from moving it now.)

I guess the image would gain a lot if there was some kind of "peak" - a striking hill or mountain, or a prominent ray of light. But I'm well aware that I make too great demands... ; )

Keep up the good work!


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-21 16:06:32


图片附件: 1.jpg (2013-1-21 16:05:56, 238.3 KB) / 下载次数 7

作者: 红烧脚丫    时间: 2013-1-21 17:03:05





图片附件: DSC_2759_60_61_hdu.jpg (2013-1-21 16:58:15, 185.63 KB) / 下载次数 11

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-22 19:50:55

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-22 19:57:03

First off, let me say that this photo really appeals to me and gives me a nice, warm feeling. Having said that, I would like to point out the following, that in my opinion, is missing or 'a bit off':- The sun is, at least on my screen, burnt out. It's so bright that it steals too much of the attention as well and it has a green-ish halo.

- I'd like to see the mountain / forest below the sun a bit brighter. Maybe open up the shadows a bit and tone down the rays of light coming down on it.

- Lastly, I think I'd, personally, woud've cropped a cm from the bottom and up.

Overall a really nice picture in my eyes! Well done!


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-22 20:13:35


A lovely scene, to be sure.  Your composition strikes me as a little busy, yet, paradoxically,  the lower right and left corners seem to contribute little to the graphical statement of the image.  Especially since the sunlight illuminates the lower right corner,  the emptiness there is pronounced.  Perhaps a slight crop using the same aspect ratio and starting in the upper left corner could bring the image back in balance.

The color is a bit overdone in my estimation.  The saturation is too strong and the blue of the shadowed area looks unnatural.  I'd recommend scaling back the color in these respects.  Your image is beautiful enough without needing to push the color past the natural ambiance.  If you shot this in RAW, consider pulling back on the highlights around the sun just to reduce the halo effect.  

It would have been nice if the sky cooperated with more dynamic clouds, but you get what you get.  This is a wonderful spot you found and I hope you can get back to shoot some more.


作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-23 10:00:28

作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-23 10:12:47

如果画面比例不改变,还真不大好裁剪,我把比例稍微改动了一点,尽力压了一块天空,这个天上没什么东西,我觉得留个出气就可以了。 110904vghtjzl2l2uulc2s.jpg

图片附件: 110904vghtjzl2l2uulc2s.jpg (2013-1-23 10:12:35, 311.75 KB) / 下载次数 2

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-23 10:49:26

作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-23 10:49:29

第二张片子,怎么后期我就不点评了,你就是给我RAW我也后期不出来,尤其你还是尼康的RAW,我就用DPP比较熟悉。我同样是感觉这张也分散,拍摄的时候不一定非得拍进太阳来啊,这个太阳太抢了,这种角度的光线就很漂亮了,片子的视觉焦点也是村子,我会选择这样: 165815ezjejij6ep1bcjtm.jpg

图片附件: 165815ezjejij6ep1bcjtm.jpg (2013-1-23 10:49:16, 312.68 KB) / 下载次数 2

作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-23 10:54:10

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-23 11:04:25

然荻 发表于 2013-1-23 10:49
第二张片子,怎么后期我就不点评了,你就是给我RAW我也后期不出来,尤其你还是尼康的RAW,我就用DPP比较熟悉 ...


作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-1-23 11:12:51

仁者乐山 发表于 2013-1-23 11:04


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-23 11:15:40


This is such a beautiful capture! As a novice, I'm finding it hard to find potiental improvements. I love the haze, how it's bright where the sun rays hit, and then darker because parts of the village are still in the shadows. My favourite section of this entire image is at the mountains in the background and how they're different shades of warm pinks and oranges. My eye went right to the centre of the image, and it's a very pleasing and peaceful atmosphere.

As I study it more, the things I'd maybe work on would be the bottom left corner, and brighten it up just a little bit. It looks too dark compared to the rest of the image. The blues and purples in the shadows - as I do like them - could maybe be a little less saturated, and perhaps you could shift the blue hues to bluish-green and see how it turns out? I feel it could help those sections blend in more, still enhancing the shadows, but not distracting from other parts of the image.


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-23 11:48:41


Hello Robert, Yifei,

sorry for my poor English. And sorry, there was nothing I could say to improve image of the "village" to which Yifei refers in his introduction. There is a sense of warmness in the sunny party and coolness in the shadows, a sense of waking up (in the light) and still asleep (in the dark part of the vally). The mist evokes a feeling of early morning coolness, but the warm light and the sunrays let me know that there is heat to come.

I have nothing to add to this image, it's great.

I only saw a second image without the "village", which you get, when you completely crop off the lower part with the buildings. Then you get a wonderful landscape image. With only the mountains. This is of course not a critique I know. This is just an observation.

The round sun is a round sun. This is meant as a positive critique. I have often seen suns overexposed and melting with overexposed cloud into irregular blots, that destroy the sky and the complety image. The exposure in this image is very good. The sun looks like the sun, but there is also sufficient light on the rest of the scene.


作者: 雪碧爱可乐    时间: 2013-1-23 22:42:41

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-24 17:36:13

I feel that this is a beautiful image, one of the nicest landscapes that I have ever seen. I love the lighting and the effect of the sun rays is outstanding. The colors, for me, are beautiful and I would be thrilled to have taken such a wonderful photograph. To improve this image, I might crop out some of the foreground and bring greater focus on the sun and mountains.


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-24 17:41:04

Greetings Yifei,
Excellent photo! I myself am a lover and pursuer of sunrays as well, always looking for that perfect shot. My thoughts on this photo... Well, the sky and the sun are my main concerns. When I see the sky, I think it has been too subdued. If the sky was more "true" to reality I might like it even more. Also, the lens flare/sunburst coming out of the sun is distracting -- I feel like it's too prominent. Perhaps you stopped down a large amount in order to achieve this? I would like to see a similar shot but with a larger aperture to lessen the lens flare.

A little bit of lens flare could work here, but the amount you have here is too much for my tastes.

Great capture !


作者: 雪碧爱可乐    时间: 2013-1-24 22:18:13

作者: 咪咪的爹    时间: 2013-1-25 20:47:08

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:14:16


图片附件: 4.jpg (2013-1-31 22:03:07, 317.7 KB) / 下载次数 4

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:27:34

Hi Yifei,

Whew! A great shot indeed with an abundance of atmosphere. You were wondering about colour temperature and tone and I must say that these colours do not work for me I'm afraid. They do not work for me because I feel they have gone too far and do not mix well with each other at these levels of saturation. For example you have russet pastel in the far background, reminiscent of a fifties feel, that mixes with a fluorescent glow of green in the fore-ground (foliage tool in Nik?). I would love to see the original colours or even this converted to BW to get an idea of where it could go.

The truth is that colour is so subjective that it is hard to critique. I do not have the original and so the colour attachment is by no means a "solution" but rather an idea of colours that work a little more closely together. Again this is just my opinion.

I've also attached the BW as when I did so I really noticed the antenna for the first time and don't wonder if you were able to re-shoot you might consider making a little more of it as a focal point in the shot, especially in BW. It seemed to lend a more historic feel to the hide-away village in the valley.

All the best


图片附件: 41.jpg (2013-1-31 21:27:27, 312.09 KB) / 下载次数 6

图片附件: 42.jpg (2013-1-31 21:26:58, 342.66 KB) / 下载次数 8

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:36:59

Hi Yifei,

Thanks for sharing this shot. It seems as if after a very long time I am seeing a photo, which is probably not been edited heavily in an attempt to make it look perfect .....but came straight out of the camera, showing exactly what the mood was as the photographer saw it while taking the picture.  I love such photos.

I can see you preferred more saturated colours. I thought a little less saturation may have helped.

My suggestions to enhance the beauty of your already beautiful photograph ...are ..

1) I can see a winding road on the left ...if possible I'd have tried to use that road as "leading line" to reach the village in my composition.

2) I am missing a foreground interest. If nothing else is available, I would have shot the picture through some overhanging branches of any tree was close to where you were when you took the photo and created a natural frame through which the viewer would have seen the village. This would have added perspective ...a sense of depth and distance.

You already took care of aspects like ...

1) Having several layers showing within your composition ...which makes the picture interesting.

4) Showing a "pattern" of trees sticking out of the mist ...I like that.

Great shot !!!




作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:42:07

Hi Yifei,
What a great moment, fantastic atmosphere and depth. Nice shot indeed.

Even though it may work in colour, perhaps a bit less saturation on those greens, as soon as I saw this I imagined it in b&w. Matt爀xample above sure confirms it, at least for me. It makes it much more dramatic and interesting. It also helps to mask out some of the more distracting elements such us the building at the bottom or the huge metal爀lectric爐ower.

Good job.



作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:46:36

This is a very interesting image and shows the village and a very delightful way. the image has the potential to be a much more Paul full image with more impact though. There is a photo attached to this document with an example of what I would do with this in Photoshop with the layers palette attached.1. use the shadow highlight adjustment to try and pull more detail out of the fog.
2. added a noise reduction layer to help smooth out the mist and the hillsides.
3. then I converted the image to a black-and-white image whenever you're in doubt about the color this is the easiest solution and usually the most dramatic.
Let me know if you have found this helpful


图片附件: 43.jpg (2013-1-31 21:47:18, 183.34 KB) / 下载次数 1

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 21:57:14

This is a wonderful photo, and Dave's black and white version above shows that it can be a dynamite photo.營 love things that take me someplace unknown, and this scene is so rustic and ordinary. The saturation, though, is a problem for me.

I can't think of another way to crop, even though I agree that the bottom strip needs something. I'm not sure what it needs, but you can't cut it off because you need the road and the tops of the mountains to make the picture work. I'm assuming you haven't cropped it already.

Have fun processing your photo.


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-1-31 22:02:39

Hi Yifei,

the photo is great as it is right now, and can only get better!

I agree with almost everybody before me, that saturation is a problem here, it is overdone by far. Since You have captured morning fog in the village, I would prefer more soft and natural colors to mix them with white fog.

Framing is ok for me, as You have quite important elements both in the top (mountains) and bottom (road and fields) of it.

I would definately try to boost contrast in mountais-sky part. Of course if You decide to go bw, You can increase contrast in all photo. I think both bw and color versions work very well. The color in my opinion should go towards mild and natural colors symbolizing peaceful nature, while bw photo can go opposite direction - to become dramatic and full of strong contrasts.

my congrats!


作者: 红山树    时间: 2013-1-31 22:26:24

作者: 天边无云    时间: 2013-1-31 23:29:06

作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-2-6 17:24:34

天边无云 发表于 2013-1-31 23:29
苏菲还可以不断更新,有一些 ...


作者: 仁者乐山    时间: 2013-2-6 17:44:57

Thank you for the original! And again, what a lovely shot... it starts to remind me of some of the classic landscapes of the renaissance... I have attached my interpretation of colour. I have also added an image showing the colour palette in my interpretation next to the colour palette of your one here. The colour palettes were made from selecting a range of extreme colours through the image varying from the deep warm colours to the lighter cool colours. The idea is that if you perform an extreme colour selection anywhere on the image, that colour should fall pretty close to one of your palette colours.

I personally feel that your palette is not quite as harmonious and that the gradation of colour is not as smooth. This leads to a jarring effect on the eyes as you bounce around the image from one colour to the next without a gradual change.

The main thing is that I try not to change the colours of the original, but only enhance them. I do this by using the vibrance tool in photoshop along with the selective colour adjustment tool. I then added in a blur layer to help soften the image.

Hope this helps!


图片附件: 5265-F.jpg (2013-2-6 17:40:19, 261.9 KB) / 下载次数 9

图片附件: 5264-F.jpg (2013-2-6 17:34:12, 455.97 KB) / 下载次数 10

作者: 咪咪的爹    时间: 2013-2-6 17:53:02

作者: 威龙雄虎    时间: 2013-2-6 18:46:16

作者: 威龙雄虎    时间: 2013-2-6 18:48:58

http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/cat/585/display/29038879 这个德国网站不错
作者: 然荻    时间: 2013-2-17 14:30:06


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